Thursday, 10 March 2011

Fashion Week

Hello all!

About two weeks ago was Oxford Fashion Week 2011. Having never been to a fashion show, my friends and I decided to go to one of the concept shows. The theme was Aftermath, as in after a nuclear explosion. The clothes were pretty crazy, as you may have guessed from the theme.

Here are some of the craziest outfits:

I LOVED  the masks that the first designer incorporated! They were awesome!

Why don't you ever see this in a store window?

She blinked!
Yes, that's a full body suit!

There are no words.

Ok, I thought this one was kind of cool.

Holy head-piece, Batman!

When the male models came out, I felt like I was in Zoolander. "Hansel's so hot right now. Hansel!"

Even though I would never wear it, this jacket is so awesome!


And now, the grand finale:

This poor girl had to hold her arms in the most awkward position behind her, and she could barely walk in her shoes. She was a champ! And it may have been worth it to expose the world to this outfit. It reminds me of an accordion.

Going to a legit fashion show was such a fun experience! The atmosphere was really cool! My friends and I had a great time!

My 3 Ferry Hinksey girls and I at the fashion show! We're so legit! 

After the show was over, we wanted to take a picture of ourselves on the runway, and before we knew it, two professional photographers were taking pictures of us! So look for us on the cover of the next Vogue
I love living here!

Love and miss you all! 


  1. Hi Lady in Red! I've been thinking about u! What gorgeous photos. Sorry I haven't busy finishing up my semester! It looks like u r making the very most of your experience! I am sooo happy for u! Miss u and can't wait to hear about everything in person! Congrats on finishing your first tutorials! I am sure u did great! I hope Italy is great! Love u...Uncle Joe

  2. Hi Uncle Joe! I was just thinking of you the other day, and I was planning on sending you an email soon. I absolutely love it here!! I'm excited to see everyone when I get back, but I'm also sad about having to leave. Italy was great! I'll post pictures soon. Love you too!
